Writers Festival-India-2006
Invitation to Poets, Writers & Literary Critics
Dear Mr. Wojciech Plocharski (Poland)
In October 2004 we organized our first Writers Festival-India-2004
in Chandigarh and Shimla which was a big success. More and more Poets & Writers from all over the world are keen to participate
in such events in India since it has contributed a lot to the enrichment of world culture through literature, art and lore
apart from the oriental treasures of wisdom contained in Hindu scriptures of which Vedas and Upanishads stand out unmatched.
The message of Vasudaiv Katumbkam (the whole world is our family), delivered thousands years ago in India, is unparallel in
the history of mankind all over the world.
So continuing with our commitments for the cause of literature &
culture, we are organizing the 2nd Writers Festival-India-2006 on 21-24 March, 2006 as under:
1. Kurukshetra (Haryana) 21 March, 2006
2. Yamuna Nagar (Haryana) 22 March, 2006
3. Hardwar (Uttra Anchal) 23-24 March, 2006
Theme: Poetry for Peace & Brotherhood with a focus on Indian ideal
of Vasudaiv Katumbkam.
Languages : English & Hindi. (Delegates may present the poetry/writings
in any language but he/she must provide us in advance an English translation of the same.
March 20, 2006 (Kurukshetra): Receiving the Delegates + Press Conference
5.00 p.m.
March 21, 2006 (Kurukshetra): The festival opens at 11.00 A. M. Introduction
& paper-reading sessions. Evening session devoted to poetry reading. Cultural Program by local artists.
March 22, 2006 (Yamunanagar) Poetry/Literary presentations.
March 23-24, 2006 (Hardwar) Poetry/Literary presentations on 23 March
& closing on 24 March.
Traveling guidance: The city of Kurukshetra is connected by Road &
Rail with Delhi and is about 170 Kilometer away from Delhi on Delhi - Ambala Highway.
We invite you for participation in the festival. Please confirm your
participation immediately.
Dev Bhardwaj, Programme Director
C. R. Moudgil, Director, HPSA
Govt. of Haryana